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Installing JavaWebStart

  1. Download the JavaWebStart-launcher from SUN's page and install it by running the downloaded file. The file you'll have to download is just 800Kbyte in size.
  2. Get Jacoto by this link. This link will envoke the launcher which will download and start Jacoto.
  3. You will have to trust my signature so that Jacoto can access the SGF-records on your harddrive.

For each consecutive start of Jacoto you now can use the link above, the JavaWebStart-launcher or let the launcher create an icon for you on the desktop and use this to start Jacoto as most convenient way.

The launcher will update your copy of Jacoto everytime a new version pops up (out of the void ;-)).

The launcher will cache Jacoto on your harddrive so you will have to download it just once! In order to run Jacoto you will not have to be connected to the internet.

Problems using JavaWebStart

If your browser won't start Jacoto, respectively JavaWebStart, after clicking on the JavaWebStart-version link above or on the main-page, please make sure that in your browser's settings the MIME-type application/x-java-jnlp-file is associated with the JavaWebStart-application (called javaws).