aboutD - Variable in class TheHive
accept(File) - Method in class SwarmFilter
accept(File, String) - Method in class TxtFilenameFilter
action - Variable in class Rule
Action - class Action.
Die Klasse Action dient zum Speichern der Baue/Baue-Nicht- und Richtungs-Information im Baum, der vom PatternGenerator aufgebaut wird.
Action(boolean, int, int, int) - Constructor for class Action
Konstruktor erzeugt eine Action.
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JAboutD.SymAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JEAllgemeinD
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JEGenAlgD
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JESimulatorD
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JInfoDialog
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JNIYDialog.SymAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JReviewDialog.SymAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class MarkViewDialog.SymAction
actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive.SymAction
add(Genom, double) - Method in class GenPool
Fügt ein Genom in den Genpool ein Creation 10.06.2001
addAction(Action) - Method in class Blatt
Im Blatt angekommen, wird aus der Regel die Action extrahiert und in das Blatt/LinkedList eingefügt.
addBee(Koord3D) - Method in class ModellViewer
addBee(Koord3D[]) - Method in class ModellViewer
addBranchGraph(BranchGroup) - Method in class MyUniverse
addCell(Koord3D) - Method in class ModellViewer
addCell(Koord3D[]) - Method in class ModellViewer
addRule(Rule) - Method in class Knoten
Mit dieser Methode wird eine Regel in den Baum eingefügt, wenn ein Knoten bereits existiert.
agent - Variable in class Nest
Agent - class Agent.
Die Klasse Agent repräsentiert einen Agenten, also eine Ameise oder Biene, oder einen Elefant.
Ein solcher Agent weiss, wo er ist, wie seine Zufallszahlen entstehen, wie weit er sehen kann, was er sieht, er kann über einen Baum auf sein Genom zugreifen (cf.
AGENT - Static variable in class Nest
Repräsentation eines Agenten
Agent(Koord3D, Koord3D, Blickfeld, Knoten) - Constructor for class Agent
AgentsWay - class AgentsWay.
Diese Klasse speichert wann die Ameise wo war und was sie dort getan hat.
AgentsWay() - Constructor for class AgentsWay
Einfacher Konstruktor.
agentsWays - Variable in class Nest
aktuelleRunde - Variable in class JReviewDialog
aktuelleRundenzahl - Variable in class TheHive
allSolid() - Method in class ModellViewer
allTempRemovedBack() - Method in class ModellViewer
alltogether - Variable in class ModellViewer
ambidif - Variable in class HoneycombShape3D
ambidifsave - Variable in class HoneycombShape3D
angleOfTransSet - Variable in class TheHive
AREASELECTED - Static variable in class MarkViewDialog
ausblendenB - Variable in class MarkViewDialog
ausblendenB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class MarkViewDialog
automaticFitness - Variable in class Einstellungen
automaticFitness - Variable in class TheHive
automaticFitnessName - Variable in class Einstellungen
automaticRoundsTF - Variable in class JEAllgemeinD
aVector - Variable in class ModellViewer


BackB - Variable in class MarkViewDialog
BackB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class MarkViewDialog
backup - Variable in class DistanceMeter
bee - Variable in class Bee3DModell
Bee3DModell - class Bee3DModell.
Title: Bee3DModell Description: This Class is for representing bees in our 3D modell of the hive.
Bee3DModell(int, int, int) - Constructor for class Bee3DModell
Creates e bee at the given point
beeAppearance - Variable in class Bee3DModell
beeColorA - Variable in class Bee3DModell
beeMaterial - Variable in class Bee3DModell
BeesAddPoint - Variable in class ModellViewer
BeeShape3D - class BeeShape3D.
Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company:
BeeShape3D() - Constructor for class BeeShape3D
BG - Variable in class JESimulatorD
BG2 - Variable in class JESimulatorD
Blatt - class Blatt.
Die Klasse Blatt erbt von Knoten.
Blatt(Rule) - Constructor for class Blatt
Ein Blatt wird immer mit einer Regel(Rule) erzeugt, da es keine leeren Blätter gibt.
Blickfeld - class Blickfeld.
Diese Klasse ist klein aber fein!
Blickfeld(Koord3D, Koord3D, Nest) - Constructor for class Blickfeld
Der Konstruktor erzeugt nur ein Translationsarray.
body - Variable in class MyUniverse
bOrNot2B() - Method in class Agent
build - Variable in class Action
building - Variable in class TheHive
built - Variable in class Waypoint
builtCounter - Variable in class Environment


calcDirection(int, int[]) - Method in class PatternGenerator
calculateFitness(Simulator) - Method in class Emerentia
CancelB - Variable in class JEAllgemeinD
CancelB - Variable in class JEGenAlgD
CancelB - Variable in class JESimulatorD
cell - Variable in class Honeycomb
CENTER - Static variable in interface Simulator
changeColor(Color) - Method in class Honeycomb
This will change the color of the honeycomb
changeColor(Color) - Method in class HoneycombShape3D
changeHoneycombColor(Koord3D, Color) - Method in class ModellViewer
clearall() - Method in class ModellViewer
click_Performed(MouseEvent) - Method in class PickDragBehavior
ClickableShape3D - interface ClickableShape3D.
Title: ClickableShape3D Description: This Interface describes the a function, that every Object in MyUniverse must implement, to interact with the PickDragBehavior
ClickActionAppeared(MouseEvent) - Method in interface ClickableShape3D
ClickActionAppeared(MouseEvent) - Method in class Honeycomb
This function is called when someone clicks on a honeycomb
ClickActionAppeared(MouseEvent) - Method in class HoneycombShape3D
conflictResolvingSt - Variable in class Einstellungen
conflictResolvingStName - Variable in class Einstellungen
contained(int, int[]) - Method in class Agent
CORNER - Static variable in interface Simulator
countJoker(char[]) - Method in class PatternGenerator
countUsedGens(int[]) - Method in class Emerentia
createAndPositionNewAgent(int, Koord3D, Blickfeld, Knoten) - Method in class Nest
cross(Gen, int) - Method in class Gen
crystalisationPoint - Variable in class ModellViewer
CUBESELECTED - Static variable in class MarkViewDialog
currentAction - Variable in class Agent
currentNest - Variable in class Environment
cv - Variable in class ModellViewer
cv - Variable in class TheHive


data - Variable in class Rule
DEBUG - Static variable in class ErrorMessages
DEBUG - Variable in class Parameters
debug(String) - Method in class Emerentia
debug(String) - Static method in class Environment
debug(String) - Static method in class Nest
debugGenom_and_countBlocksBuiltByGen(Simulator) - Method in class Emerentia
demark() - Method in class HoneycombShape3D
demarkHoneycomb(Koord3D) - Method in class ModellViewer
deselectEverything() - Method in class ModellViewer
direction - Variable in class Action
direction - Variable in class Gen
Integer Direction das die Bewegungsrichtung der Ameise nach dem Bau ausgibt
displayURL(URL, JEditorPane) - Method in class Hilfe
methode zur Einstellung fuer das URL des editorPane
DistanceMeter - class DistanceMeter.
Title: DistanceMeter Description: This class is used to measure the distance between a given area and a Point
DistanceMeter(Vector3d, Vector3d, Vector3d) - Constructor for class DistanceMeter
Creates a DistanceMeter using 3 points to calculate a 2 dimensional Area in 3d worldspace.
doCrossover - Variable in class Einstellungen
doCrossover(int) - Method in class GenPool
Macht den Crossoverprozess mit einem GenPool und gibt einen neuen GenPool zurück Creation 10.06.2001
doCrossover(int, int) - Method in class GenPool
Macht den Crossoverprozess mit einem GenPool und gibt einen neuen GenPool zurück Creation 10.06.2001
doCrossOverCB - Variable in class JEGenAlgD
doCrossoverName - Variable in class Einstellungen
doMutation(double) - Method in class GenPool
Funktion die einen GenPool Mutieren läßt Creation date 10.06.2001
doRotation() - Method in class MyUniverse
draging - Variable in class PickDragBehavior


eAllgemeinD - Variable in class TheHive
EbeneB - Variable in class MarkViewDialog
EbeneB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class MarkViewDialog
eGenAlgD - Variable in class TheHive
einstellungen - Variable in class JEAllgemeinD
einstellungen - Variable in class JEGenAlgD
einstellungen - Variable in class JESimulatorD
einstellungen - Variable in class TheHive
Einstellungen - class Einstellungen.
Title: Einstellungen Description: Einstellungen save the options made in TheHive
Einstellungen(Simulator, TheHive, ModellViewer) - Constructor for class Einstellungen
Konstruktor der Klasse Einstelungen.
Emerentia - class Emerentia.
Emerentia() - Constructor for class Emerentia
enableCrossover - Variable in class Environment
endB - Variable in class JReviewDialog
endB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JReviewDialog
env - Variable in class MyUniverse
Environment - class Environment.
Die Klasse Environment implementiert die Simulator-Schnittstelle über die die GUI auf die Funktionalität des Agenten und der Gene zugreift.
Environment() - Constructor for class Environment
Der Standardkonstruktor für eine Environment.
Environment(int) - Constructor for class Environment
Ein Konstruktor für eine Environment.
Environment(int, int) - Constructor for class Environment
Zusätzlich noch mit Anzahl der Agenten in einer Nest.
Environment(int, int, Koord3D) - Constructor for class Environment
Zusätzlich mit Grösse der Nest.
Environment(int, int, Koord3D, int) - Constructor for class Environment
Zusätzlich mit Anzahl der Gene pro Genom.
Environment(int, int, Koord3D, int, int) - Constructor for class Environment
Zusätzlich mit Grösse des Sichtfelds.
Environment(int, int, Koord3D, int, int, int) - Constructor for class Environment
Environment(int, int, Koord3D, int, int, int, boolean) - Constructor for class Environment
Zusätzlich mit Konfliktauflösungsstrategie.
Environment(int, int, Koord3D, int, int, int, boolean, int) - Constructor for class Environment
equals(Object) - Method in class Koord3D
error(String) - Static method in class ErrorMessages
error(String, Exception) - Static method in class ErrorMessages
ErrorMessages - class ErrorMessages.
Title: ErrorMessages Description: Klasse um die Fehler anzuzeigen.
ErrorMessages() - Constructor for class ErrorMessages
eSimulatorD - Variable in class TheHive
exitApplication() - Method in class TheHive
exitB - Variable in class JReviewDialog
exitB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JReviewDialog
eyePos - Variable in class PickDragBehavior


faktoren - Variable in class DistanceMeter
farben - Variable in class MarkViewDialog
fatalError(String, Exception) - Static method in class ErrorMessages
FileChooser - class FileChooser.
Objekt der Klasse FileChooser gibt die Möglichkeit Datein zu speichern und zu laden.
FileChooser(Frame) - Constructor for class FileChooser
fileChooserD - Variable in class TheHive
finalize() - Method in class Environment
finalize() - Method in class Nest
FIRST - Static variable in interface Simulator
firstCell - Variable in class ModellViewer
fitness - Variable in class Genom
Der Fitnessvalue des Genoms, wird am Anfang mit 0 initialisiert Creation date 14.06.2001
fitness - Variable in class TheHive
FitnessTF - Variable in class TheHive
FitnessTF_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive


gc(int) - Method in class Environment
gebautInRunde(int) - Method in class Environment
Methode liefert alle Bloecke die in der angegebenen Runde gebaut wurden Geändert: 18.06.2001 to3d() entfernt 09.07.2001 Koord3D-Array enthält jetzt auch Lücken (später null'en), damit jeder Agent seine eigene Farbe bekommen kann.
gebautInRunde(int) - Method in interface Simulator
gen - Static variable in class Utils
Gen - class Gen.
Gen(int) - Constructor for class Gen
Konstruktor der ein Gen mit länge x, breite y und höhe z schafft, dass eine einfache Belegung hat, so dass sie Ameise mit diesem Gen das Bauen beginnen kann.
Gen(int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class Gen
Standard Konstruktor der ein Gen mit länge x, breite y und höhe z schafft.
Gen(String) - Constructor for class Gen
Konstruktor der ein Gen mit länge x, breite y und höhe z aus einem String schafft.
genCounter - Variable in class Nest
generateDirectionChanger(char[]) - Method in class PatternGenerator
genesisB - Variable in class JReviewDialog
genesisB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JReviewDialog
genNumber - Variable in class Action
genom - Variable in class Nest
Genom - class Genom.
Genom() - Constructor for class Genom
Erzeugt eine leere LinkedList, die ein Genom repräsentiert.
Genom(int, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class Genom
Erzeugt eine leere LinkedList, die ein Genom repräsentiert.
Genom(String[]) - Constructor for class Genom
Erzeugt ein Genaom aus eingelesenen Genen Creation date 01.01.2001
GenPool - class GenPool.
GenPool() - Constructor for class GenPool
Konstruktor der einen neuen GenPool erzeugt Creation 15.06.2001
GenPool(Genom, double) - Constructor for class GenPool
Konstruktor der einen neuen GenPool einem Genom Creation 15.06.2001
GenPool(int, int, int, double, double, double) - Constructor for class GenPool
Konstruktor der einen neuen GenPool mit numberOfGenoms Genomen, die je numberOfGens Gene haben, und gewichtetem Auftreten von Stein, Joker und Leer Creation 15.06.2001
genpoolSize - Variable in class Einstellungen
genpoolSizeName - Variable in class Einstellungen
genpoolSizeTF - Variable in class JEGenAlgD
genrand() - Method in class Random
Generate the next random number.
get(int) - Method in class MirrorGenerator
Liefert eine Drehung.
getAction() - Method in class Rule
Zieht aus der Regel die Action wieder heraus.
getActionFromBlickfeld(Blickfeld, Koord3D) - Method in class Blatt
Hier wird eine Methode aus Knoten überschrieben, deshalb werden mehr Parameter angefordert als eigentlich nötig.
Hier wird diese Methode einfach dazu verwendet die Liste der gespeicherten Actions als Action-Array zurückzugeben.
getActionFromBlickfeld(Blickfeld, Koord3D) - Method in class Knoten
Diese Methode liefert für ein Sichtfeld der Ameise alle möglichen Actions als LinkedList indem einfach im Baum abgestiegen wird.
getAgentPos(int) - Method in class Environment
Methode liefert die Positionen der Agenten(Multiagentensystem) für die angegebene Runde.
getAgentPos(int) - Method in interface Simulator
getAgentsWay(int) - Method in class Nest
Hiermit kann die Position des Agenten verändert werden.
getAutomaticFitness() - Method in class Einstellungen
getBuild() - Method in class Gen
Methode die zurück gibt, ob ein Gen bei entsprechendem Pattern bauen anstoßen soll, oder nicht Creation date 01.06.2001
getBuildOfGen(int) - Method in class Genom
Gibt an ob für Gen i gebaut werde muß oder nicht Creation date 01.01.2001
getBuilt() - Method in class Waypoint
Liefert das Ob.
getConflictResolvingSt() - Method in class Einstellungen
getCrystallizationPoint() - Method in class Environment
Liefert Position des ersten Blocks.
getCrystallizationPoint() - Method in class Nest
getCrystallizationPoint() - Method in interface Simulator
getDescription() - Method in class SwarmFilter
getDescription(File) - Method in class ImageFileView
getDichte(long) - Method in class ModellViewer
getDirection() - Method in class Gen
Methode die die Richtung der Ameise nach dem Bau zurückliefert Creation date 29.05.2001
getDirectionByGen() - Method in class Agent
getDirectionOfGen(int) - Method in class Genom
Gibt die Richtung von Gen i des Genoms an Creation date 01.01.2001
getDistance(Vector3d) - Method in class DistanceMeter
This function calculates the distance between a given point and the area used to create DistanceMeter
getDoCrossover() - Method in class Einstellungen
getExtension(File) - Static method in class Utils
getFitness() - Method in class Genom
Gibt die Fitness eines Genoms raus Creation date 01.01.2001
getGenom() - Method in class Nest
Liefert das Genom des Agenten Geändert: ?
getGenom(int) - Method in class GenPool
Gibt aus dem GenPool das Genom an stelle i zurück Creation 10.06.2001
getGenpoolSize() - Method in class Einstellungen
getGenUsed() - Method in class Action
getGenUsed() - Method in class Agent
getHowOftenUsed_Gen(int) - Method in class Environment
getHowOftenUsed_Gen(int) - Method in class Nest
getHowOftenUsed_Gen(int) - Method in interface Simulator
getIcon(File) - Method in class ImageFileView
getIndexOfCurrentNest() - Method in class Environment
getIndexOfCurrentNest() - Method in interface Simulator
getIndexWithLeastJoker(Action[]) - Method in class Agent
getIndexWithMostJoker(Action[]) - Method in class Agent
getInteractionMode() - Method in class Einstellungen
getKoord() - Method in class Waypoint
Liefert das Wo.
getMirror(int) - Static method in class MirrorGenerator
Über diese Methode erhält man eine Instanz dieser Singleton-Klasse.
getMovesList() - Method in class Agent
getMutationProb() - Method in class Einstellungen
getName(File) - Method in class ImageFileView
getNumberAgents() - Method in class Einstellungen
getNumberAgents() - Method in class Environment
Liefert die Anzahl der Agenten, die sich in der aktuellen Nest befinden.
getNumberAgents() - Method in class Nest
getNumberAgents() - Method in interface Simulator
getNumberBuiltBlocks() - Method in class Environment
getNumberBuiltBlocks() - Method in interface Simulator
getNumberGensInGenom() - Method in class Einstellungen
getNumberOfHoneycombs() - Method in class ModellViewer
getNumberOfJoker() - Method in class Action
Liefert die Anzahl der Joker, die sich in dem Gen befanden, aus dem sich diese Action ergeben hat.
getNumberOfNests() - Method in class Environment
getNumberOfNests() - Method in interface Simulator
getParameters() - Method in class Parameters
getPattern() - Method in class Gen
Methode die das Pattern eines Gens zurückliefert Creation date 29.05.2001
getPattern(int, int, int) - Method in class Gen
Methode die einen Stein eines Patterns an einer bestimmten stelle zurückgibt Creation date 01.06.2001
getPatternOfGen(int) - Method in class Genom
Gibt das Pattern in der für die Ameise lesbaren Form aus Creation date 01.01.2001
getpos() - Method in class Honeycomb
You can use this to get information about the position of this honeycomb
getPosition() - Method in class Agent
getPositionOfCrystalizationPoint() - Method in class Einstellungen
getResolveOfConflict() - Method in class Environment
Methode liefert die Konfliktlösungsstrategie für die aktuelle Nest.
getResolveOfConflict() - Method in interface Simulator
getRoundsWithoutUser() - Method in class Einstellungen
getSize() - Method in class ModellViewer
getSizeGenom() - Method in class Environment
getSizeGenom() - Method in interface Simulator
getSizeOfUmgebungen() - Method in class Einstellungen
getSizeOfView() - Method in class Einstellungen
getStandartRundenzahl() - Method in class Einstellungen
getStateAt(int) - Method in class Rule
Zum Zugriff auf das Pattern.
getStateAt(int, Koord3D) - Method in class Blickfeld
Liefert die Blockart am angegebenen Punkt.
getStateAtCoord(Koord3D) - Method in class Nest
Liefert die Art des Blocks an der angegebenen Position.
getStrategy() - Method in class Agent
getStrategy() - Method in class Nest
Vielleicht interessiert ja auch, welche Strategie gerade Verwendung findet.
getTree() - Method in class PatternGenerator
Liefert den erzeugten Baum (bzw. eine Referenz auf dessen Wurzel).
getTypeDescription(File) - Method in class ImageFileView
getView() - Method in class Gen
Methode die die Höhe eines Gens zurückliefert Creation date 29.05.2001
getWaypoint(int) - Method in class AgentsWay
Liefert den mit dem Parameter bestimmten Waypoint zurück.
getX() - Method in class Koord3D
getY() - Method in class Koord3D
getZ() - Method in class Koord3D
gitterB - Variable in class MarkViewDialog
gitterB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class MarkViewDialog


hasAtLeastOneNeighboringStone(Koord3D) - Method in class Agent
HEADER - Static variable in class Nest
headlight - Variable in class MyUniverse
helpD - Variable in class TheHive
Hilfe - class Hilfe.
Hilfe(Frame) - Constructor for class Hilfe
HiveInfoB - Variable in class TheHive
HiveInfoB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
HiveTF - Variable in class TheHive
Honeycomb - class Honeycomb.
Title: Honeycomb Description: a honeycomb to view in virtual universe
Honeycomb(int, int, int, ModellViewer) - Constructor for class Honeycomb
Constructor using 3d coordinate and the Modellviewer to setup correctly
HoneycombAddPoint - Variable in class ModellViewer
honeycombGotMarked(Koord3D) - Method in class MarkViewDialog
honeycombHasBeenRemoved(Koord3D) - Method in class MarkViewDialog
HoneycombShape3D - class HoneycombShape3D.
Title: HoneycombShape3D Description: This Class combines Geometrie and Appearance for the Honeycomb.
HoneycombShape3D(Honeycomb) - Constructor for class HoneycombShape3D


ImageFileView - class ImageFileView.
ImageFileView() - Constructor for class ImageFileView
indexA - Variable in class DistanceMeter
indexCurrentNest - Variable in class Environment
infoD - Variable in class TheHive
initAgentsWays() - Method in class Nest
initDialogConection(MarkViewDialog) - Method in class ModellViewer
initialize() - Method in class PickDragBehavior
initNest(Genom, int, boolean) - Method in class Nest
insertInTree(int, char[], boolean, int) - Method in class PatternGenerator
interactionMode - Variable in class Einstellungen
interactionModeCB - Variable in class JEAllgemeinD
interactionModeName - Variable in class Einstellungen
interactivMode - Variable in class TheHive
interactivTF - Variable in class TheHive
InteraktionB - Variable in class TheHive
isMarked() - Method in class Honeycomb
returns if the honeycomb is marked
isSelected() - Method in class Honeycomb
isTraversable(File) - Method in class ImageFileView
isVisi - Variable in class MarkViewDialog


JAboutD - class JAboutD.
Title: JAboutD Description: This Dialog shows informations about the programm
JAboutD.SymAction - class JAboutD.SymAction.
JAboutD.SymAction(JAboutD) - Constructor for class JAboutD.SymAction
JAboutD.SymWindow - class JAboutD.SymWindow.
JAboutD.SymWindow(JAboutD) - Constructor for class JAboutD.SymWindow
JAboutD(Frame) - Constructor for class JAboutD
jAboutDialog_windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class JAboutD
JButton1 - Variable in class JAboutD
JButton1 - Variable in class JNIYDialog
JButton1_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JAboutD
JButton1_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JNIYDialog
JCenterB - Variable in class JESimulatorD
JCornerB - Variable in class JESimulatorD
JEAllgemeinD - class JEAllgemeinD.
JEAllgemeinD(Einstellungen) - Constructor for class JEAllgemeinD
JEGenAlgD - class JEGenAlgD.
JEGenAlgD(Einstellungen) - Constructor for class JEGenAlgD
JESimulatorD - class JESimulatorD.
JESimulatorD(Einstellungen) - Constructor for class JESimulatorD
JFirstB - Variable in class JESimulatorD
JInfoDialog - class JInfoDialog.
Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company:
JInfoDialog() - Constructor for class JInfoDialog
JLabel1 - Variable in class JEAllgemeinD
JLabel1 - Variable in class JEGenAlgD
JLabel1 - Variable in class JESimulatorD
JLabel1 - Variable in class JNIYDialog
JLabel1 - Variable in class JReviewDialog
JLabel1 - Variable in class TheHive
JLabel10 - Variable in class TheHive
JLabel11 - Variable in class TheHive
JLabel12 - Variable in class TheHive
JLabel13 - Variable in class TheHive
JLabel14 - Variable in class TheHive
JLabel2 - Variable in class JEGenAlgD
JLabel2 - Variable in class JReviewDialog
JLabel2 - Variable in class TheHive
JLabel3 - Variable in class JReviewDialog
JLabel3 - Variable in class TheHive
JLabel4 - Variable in class TheHive
JLabel5 - Variable in class TheHive
JLabel6 - Variable in class TheHive
JLabel7 - Variable in class TheHive
JLabel8 - Variable in class TheHive
JLabel9 - Variable in class TheHive
JLeJoB - Variable in class JESimulatorD
JMenu1 - Variable in class TheHive
JMenu2 - Variable in class TheHive
JMenu4 - Variable in class TheHive
JMenu5 - Variable in class TheHive
JMenuBar2 - Variable in class TheHive
JMenuItemAbout - Variable in class TheHive
JMenuItemAbout_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
JMenuItemAllgemein - Variable in class TheHive
JMenuItemAllgemein_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
JMenuItemExit - Variable in class TheHive
JMenuItemExit_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
JMenuItemGenA - Variable in class TheHive
JMenuItemGenA_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
JMenuItemHelp - Variable in class TheHive
JMenuItemHelp_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
JMenuItemLoad - Variable in class TheHive
JMenuItemLoad_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
JMenuItemNeu - Variable in class TheHive
JMenuItemNeu_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
JMenuItemReview - Variable in class TheHive
JMenuItemReview_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
JMenuItemSaveOptions - Variable in class TheHive
JMenuItemSaveOptions_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
JMenuItemSimulator - Variable in class TheHive
JMenuItemSimulator_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
JMenuItemStore - Variable in class TheHive
JMenuItemStore_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
JMenuItemStoreAs - Variable in class TheHive
JMenuItemStoreAs_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
JMenuItemTotalReset - Variable in class TheHive
JMenuItemTotalReset_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
JMiddleB - Variable in class JESimulatorD
JMoJoB - Variable in class JESimulatorD
JMutationProbTF - Variable in class JEGenAlgD
JNIYDialog - class JNIYDialog.
Title: JNIYDialog Description: This is a simple Dialog to popup every time the User calls a funktion that is Not Implemented Yet.
JNIYDialog.SymAction - class JNIYDialog.SymAction.
JNIYDialog.SymAction(JNIYDialog) - Constructor for class JNIYDialog.SymAction
JNIYDialog(Frame) - Constructor for class JNIYDialog
JOKER - Static variable in class Nest
Repräsentation einer Wildcard
jokerNachfolger - Variable in class Knoten
JPanel1 - Variable in class JAboutD
JPanel1 - Variable in class JNIYDialog
JPanel1 - Variable in class JReviewDialog
JPanel1 - Variable in class MarkViewDialog
JPanel1 - Variable in class TheHive
JPanel10 - Variable in class JReviewDialog
JPanel10 - Variable in class TheHive
JPanel11 - Variable in class JReviewDialog
JPanel11 - Variable in class TheHive
JPanel2 - Variable in class JReviewDialog
JPanel2 - Variable in class MarkViewDialog
JPanel2 - Variable in class TheHive
JPanel3 - Variable in class JReviewDialog
JPanel3 - Variable in class MarkViewDialog
JPanel3 - Variable in class TheHive
JPanel4 - Variable in class JReviewDialog
JPanel4 - Variable in class MarkViewDialog
JPanel4 - Variable in class TheHive
JPanel5 - Variable in class JReviewDialog
JPanel5 - Variable in class TheHive
JPanel6 - Variable in class JReviewDialog
JPanel6 - Variable in class TheHive
JPanel7 - Variable in class JReviewDialog
JPanel7 - Variable in class TheHive
JPanel8 - Variable in class JReviewDialog
JPanel8 - Variable in class TheHive
JPanel9 - Variable in class JReviewDialog
JPanel9 - Variable in class TheHive
JRandomB - Variable in class JESimulatorD
JReviewDialog - class JReviewDialog.
Title: JReviewDialog Description: This dialog is used to take a deeper look at the different phases of building processes.
JReviewDialog.SymAction - class JReviewDialog.SymAction.
JReviewDialog.SymAction(JReviewDialog) - Constructor for class JReviewDialog.SymAction
JReviewDialog(TheHive) - Constructor for class JReviewDialog
JTextField1 - Variable in class JAboutD


Knoten - class Knoten.
Der Baum, der vom PatternGenerator aufgebaut wird, besteht aus Knoten.
Ein Pattern wird in den Baum eingefügt, indem für einen Index in das Array, das das Pattern repräsentiert, geschaut wird, ob dort ein Stein ist, oder nicht (auch ob ein Wildcard dort steht).
Knoten() - Constructor for class Knoten
Der Konstruktor für einen leeren Baum.
Knoten(Rule, int) - Constructor for class Knoten
Dieser Konstruktor wird aufgerufen, wenn an dieser Stelle im Baum noch kein Knoten war.
Koord3D - class Koord3D.
Title: ModellViewer Description: Koord3D transports coordinates of the discrete 3 dimensional system wherein bees and honeycombs live
Koord3D() - Constructor for class Koord3D
Koord3D(int, int, int) - Constructor for class Koord3D
kubusB - Variable in class MarkViewDialog
kubusB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class MarkViewDialog


last_x - Variable in class PickDragBehavior
last_y - Variable in class PickDragBehavior
lastSelection - Variable in class MarkViewDialog
laufeRunden(int) - Method in class Environment
Methode lässt den Simulator die angegebene Anzahl von Runden laufen.
laufeRunden(int) - Method in interface Simulator
LEAST_JOKER - Static variable in interface Simulator
LEER - Static variable in class Nest
Repräsentation eines leeren Blocks
leerNachfolger - Variable in class Knoten
length - Variable in class MirrorGenerator
list - Variable in class Blatt
load(String, String) - Method in class Environment
Lädt Nest und Genom.
load(String, String) - Method in interface Simulator
loadFileChooser(Simulator) - Method in class FileChooser
loadGenom(String) - Method in class Environment
loadGP(String) - Method in class Environment
Methode lädt einen kompletten GenPool aus einem Unterverzeichnis (d.h. alle darin enthaltenen txt-Dateien, falls es sich dabei um eine Genom-Datei handelt).
loadGP(String) - Method in interface Simulator
locale - Variable in class MyUniverse
lookAround() - Method in class Agent
LOWER_MASK - Static variable in class Random


M - Static variable in class Random
mag01 - Variable in class Random
main(String[]) - Static method in class Emerentia
main(String[]) - Static method in class TheHive
The entry point for this application.
MainPanel - Variable in class JInfoDialog
makeBlock(int) - Method in class Gen
Methode die einen eingegebenen int i in einen char umwandelt der dann eine Stelle im Gen darstellt.
makeMirror(int) - Method in class MirrorGenerator
Geändert: 19.06.2001 mit Dank an Bernd Jaekel
marked - Variable in class Honeycomb
markHoneycomb(Koord3D, Color) - Method in class ModellViewer
MarkViewB - Variable in class TheHive
MarkViewB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
markviewd - Variable in class ModellViewer
markViewD - Variable in class TheHive
MarkViewDialog - class MarkViewDialog.
Title: MarkViewDialog Description: This dialog implements the possibility to mark honeycombs and to visualize them in different ways (NIY)
MarkViewDialog.SymAction - class MarkViewDialog.SymAction.
MarkViewDialog.SymAction(MarkViewDialog) - Constructor for class MarkViewDialog.SymAction
MarkViewDialog(TheHive, ModellViewer) - Constructor for class MarkViewDialog
markwithColor(Color) - Method in class HoneycombShape3D
MATRIX_A - Static variable in class Random
MAXIMUM_BLOCKS - Static variable in class Emerentia
message(String) - Static method in class Environment
message(String) - Static method in class Nest
MIDDLE - Static variable in interface Simulator
mirror - Static variable in class MirrorGenerator
mirror - Variable in class PatternGenerator
mirrorArray - Variable in class MirrorGenerator
MirrorGenerator - class MirrorGenerator.
Mit dieser Klasse werden alle Indexverschiebungen erzeugt, die im PatternGenerator gebraucht werden um ein Gen zu drehen.
MirrorGenerator(int) - Constructor for class MirrorGenerator
mirrorPattern(char[], int[]) - Method in class PatternGenerator
ModellViewer - class ModellViewer.
Title: ModellViewer Description: The ModellViewer Class is used to visualize the 3D representation of the Hive.
ModellViewer(Canvas3D, TheHive) - Constructor for class ModellViewer
MOST_JOKER - Static variable in interface Simulator
mouseCriterion - Variable in class PickDragBehavior
mouseEvents - Variable in class PickDragBehavior
mousePos - Variable in class PickDragBehavior
mouseRotation - Variable in class MyUniverse
mouseVec - Variable in class PickDragBehavior
move(Koord3D) - Method in class Bee3DModell
Moves the bee from current position to next
moveBees(Koord3D[]) - Method in class ModellViewer
moveYou() - Method in class Agent
mt - Variable in class Random
mti - Variable in class Random
mulTransform3D - Variable in class ModellViewer
mutationProb - Variable in class Einstellungen
mutationProbName - Variable in class Einstellungen
mutationPropability - Variable in class Environment
myTimer - Variable in class TheHive
MyUniverse - class MyUniverse.
Title: MyUniverse Description: MyUniverse is a virtual universe with one directional light right over the watchers eyes
MyUniverse(Canvas3D, TheHive) - Constructor for class MyUniverse


N - Static variable in class Random
nBackB - Variable in class JReviewDialog
nBackB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JReviewDialog
Nest - class Nest.
Stand: 09.07.2001
Nest(Genom, Koord3D, int, int, int) - Constructor for class Nest
Dieser Konstruktor erwartet nur das Genom, das in den Agenten gesteckt werden soll.
Nest(int, int, int, Genom, int, int, int) - Constructor for class Nest
Konstruktor, der x- und y-Ausdehnung der Nest und das Genom für den/die Agenten in dieser Nest erwartet.
NEWLINE - Static variable in class Nest
Projektweite '\n'-Konstanten, systemabhängig
NextB - Variable in class TheHive
NextB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
nextNest() - Method in class Environment
Wechselt auf nächste Nest in der Liste.
nextNest() - Method in interface Simulator
nFowardB - Variable in class JReviewDialog
nFowardB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JReviewDialog
NoMoveLeftException - exception NoMoveLeftException.
Diese Exception wird vom Agenten geworfen, wenn er keine Zugmöglichkeit mehr hat, d.h. wenn er sich eingebaut hat.
NoMoveLeftException() - Constructor for class NoMoveLeftException
normals - Static variable in class HoneycombShape3D
NOTHINGSELECTED - Static variable in class MarkViewDialog
nRunden - Variable in class JReviewDialog
nTF - Variable in class JReviewDialog
nTF_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JReviewDialog
NUMBER_AGENTS - Static variable in class Emerentia
NUMBER_GENS - Static variable in class Emerentia
NUMBER_NESTS - Static variable in class Emerentia
NUMBER_ROUNDS - Static variable in class Emerentia
NUMBER_RUNS - Static variable in class Emerentia
numberAgents - Variable in class Einstellungen
numberAgents - Variable in class Environment
numberAgents - Variable in class Nest
numberAgentsName - Variable in class Einstellungen
numberAgentsTF - Variable in class JEAllgemeinD
numberGens - Static variable in class Environment
numberGensInGenom - Variable in class Einstellungen
numberGensInGenomName - Variable in class Einstellungen
numberGensInGenomTF - Variable in class JEGenAlgD
numberNests - Variable in class Environment
numberOfJoker - Variable in class Action
numberToSurviveName - Variable in class Einstellungen


OKB - Variable in class JEAllgemeinD
OKB - Variable in class JEGenAlgD
OKB - Variable in class JESimulatorD
OKB - Variable in class JInfoDialog
oneBackB - Variable in class JReviewDialog
oneBackB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JReviewDialog
oneFowardB - Variable in class JReviewDialog
oneFowardB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JReviewDialog
openFileDialog - Variable in class TheHive
OUT - Static variable in class Nest
Repräsentation eines Blocks ausserhalb der Nest


papa - Variable in class HoneycombShape3D
papa - Variable in class JReviewDialog
Parameters - class Parameters.
Title: Parameter Description: Klasse fuer die Speicherung der Dateien.
Parameters(String, String) - Constructor for class Parameters
pattern - Variable in class Gen
Integer Array der das Sichtfeld der Ameise darstellt
PatternGenerator - class PatternGenerator.
Die Klasse PatternGenerator baut den (triären) Baum auf, der aus den Pattern der einzelnen Gene und deren Drehungen besteht.
PatternGenerator(Genom) - Constructor for class PatternGenerator
Der Konstruktor erwartet ein Genom als Paramter.
PatternNotAddableInTreeException - exception PatternNotAddableInTreeException.
Diese Exception wird in Knoten.addRule() geworfen, wenn das untersuchte Pattern Einträge enthält, die nicht bekannt sind.
PatternNotAddableInTreeException() - Constructor for class PatternNotAddableInTreeException
PatternNotFoundInTreeException - exception PatternNotFoundInTreeException.
Diese Exception wird in Knoten.getActionFromBlickfeld() geworfen.
PatternNotFoundInTreeException() - Constructor for class PatternNotFoundInTreeException
PDB - Variable in class ModellViewer
PickDragBehavior - class PickDragBehavior.
Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company:
PickDragBehavior(Canvas3D, BranchGroup, ModellViewer) - Constructor for class PickDragBehavior
pickRay - Variable in class PickDragBehavior
pickRoot - Variable in class PickDragBehavior
platform - Variable in class MyUniverse
point - Variable in class Waypoint
polygon2DB - Variable in class MarkViewDialog
polygon2DB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class MarkViewDialog
POLYGON2DSELECTED - Static variable in class MarkViewDialog
Polygon3DB - Variable in class MarkViewDialog
Polygon3DB_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class MarkViewDialog
POLYGON3DSELECTED - Static variable in class MarkViewDialog
Pool - Variable in class Environment
posAgent - Variable in class Nest
posCrystallizationPoint - Variable in class Environment
position - Variable in class Agent
positionOfCrystallizationPoint - Variable in class Einstellungen
positionOfCrystallizationPointName - Variable in class Einstellungen
posStart - Variable in class Nest
processStimulus(Enumeration) - Method in class PickDragBehavior
PROPABILITY - Static variable in class Emerentia
properties - Variable in class Parameters
propertiesDescription - Variable in class Parameters
propertiesFilename - Variable in class Parameters
pufferTransform3D - Variable in class ModellViewer
pufferTransfRo - Variable in class MyUniverse
pufferVec - Variable in class MyUniverse


rand - Variable in class Agent
Random - class Random.
Wir verwenden teilweise nicht die Random-Klasse aus der Sun-API.
RANDOM - Static variable in interface Simulator
Random() - Constructor for class Random
Constructor using the default seed.
Random(int) - Constructor for class Random
Constructor using a given seed.
reInitNest() - Method in class Nest
removeCell(Koord3D) - Method in class ModellViewer
removeCell(Koord3D[]) - Method in class ModellViewer
reportMarkingOperationToDialogs(Koord3D) - Method in class ModellViewer
reset() - Method in class MarkViewDialog
reset() - Method in class Nest
Löscht die Neststruktur.
resetNest() - Method in class Environment
Löscht die in der aktuellen Nest entstandene Architektur, aber belässt das Genom Geändert: ?
resetNest() - Method in interface Simulator
resetNest(int, int, int) - Method in class Nest
resetTotal() - Method in class Environment
Löscht einfach alle Nesten und erzeugt komplett neue.
resetTotal() - Method in interface Simulator
resolveConflictByStrategy - Variable in class Environment
results - Variable in class DistanceMeter
reviewD - Variable in class TheHive
rotateAbsolutX(double) - Method in class ModellViewer
rotateAbsolutY(double) - Method in class ModellViewer
rotateAbsolutZ(double) - Method in class ModellViewer
rotateRelativToView(int, int) - Method in class ModellViewer
rotateRelativToView(int, int) - Method in class MyUniverse
rotateXAbsolut(double) - Method in class MyUniverse
rotateYAbsolut(double) - Method in class MyUniverse
rotateZAbsolut(double) - Method in class MyUniverse
roundsToRunWihthoutUser - Variable in class TheHive
roundsWithoutUser - Variable in class Einstellungen
roundsWithoutUserName - Variable in class Einstellungen
Rule - class Rule.
Die Klasse Rule dient zum Einfügen einer Action in den Baum, den PatternGenerator erzeugt.
Rule(char[], Action) - Constructor for class Rule
Der Konstruktor
run() - Method in class TheHive.Timer
run() - Method in class Timer
RundenzahlTF - Variable in class JEAllgemeinD
rundeTF - Variable in class JReviewDialog
rundeTF_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class JReviewDialog
runOneRound() - Method in class Nest
runOneRound(int) - Method in class Nest
Lässt den Agenten eine Runde laufen.


saveFileChooser(Simulator) - Method in class FileChooser
saveFileDialog - Variable in class TheHive
saveNestAndGenom(String) - Method in class Nest
Speichert Informationen so, dass sie mit loadNestAndGenom rekonstruiert werden können.
saveParameters() - Method in class Parameters
sceneGraphPath - Variable in class PickDragBehavior
screen - Variable in class MarkViewDialog
screen - Variable in class PickDragBehavior
selectArea(Koord3D[]) - Method in class ModellViewer
selectCube(Koord3D[]) - Method in class ModellViewer
selected - Variable in class Honeycomb
selectedRemove() - Method in class ModellViewer
selectedToLines() - Method in class ModellViewer
selectPolygon2D(Koord3D[]) - Method in class ModellViewer
selectPolygon3D(Koord3D[]) - Method in class ModellViewer
selektierteWaben - Variable in class MarkViewDialog
serIcon - Variable in class ImageFileView
setActualRound(int) - Method in class JReviewDialog
setAutomaticFitness(boolean) - Method in class Einstellungen
setAutomaticFitness(boolean) - Method in class TheHive
setConflictResolvingSt(int) - Method in class Einstellungen
setDefaults(Properties) - Method in class Einstellungen
diese Methode dient dazu, die Variablen auf den Default-Werten einzusetzen. param defaults vom Typ Properties return hat keinen Rückgabewert
setDefaults(Properties) - Method in class Parameters
setDirection(int) - Method in class Gen
Methode die die Richtung der Ameise nach dem bauen verändert Creation date 01.06.2001
setDoCrossover(boolean) - Method in class Einstellungen
setDoCrossover(boolean) - Method in class Environment
setDoCrossover(boolean) - Method in interface Simulator
setFitness(double) - Method in class Environment
Mit dieser Methode wird die Fitness des aktuellen Genoms gesetzt.
setFitness(double) - Method in class Genom
Setzt die Fitness eines Genoms auf einen bestimmten Wert Creation date 01.01.2001
setFitness(double) - Method in interface Simulator
setGenpoolSize(int) - Method in class Einstellungen
setInteractionMode(boolean) - Method in class Einstellungen
setInteractionMode(boolean) - Method in class TheHive
setMarked(boolean, Color) - Method in class Honeycomb
A honeycomb can be marked by clicking it with the mouse and selected by using the Mark and View Dialog
setMutationProb(double) - Method in class Einstellungen
setNumberAgents(int) - Method in class Einstellungen
setNumberAgents(int) - Method in class Environment
Hiermit kann man die Anzahl der Agenten, die sich in einer Nest tummeln sollen, festlegen.
setNumberAgents(int) - Method in class Nest
setNumberAgents(int) - Method in interface Simulator
setNumberGensInGenom(int) - Method in class Einstellungen
setNumberGensInGenom(int) - Method in class Environment
Hiermit kann man die Anzahl der Gene in einem Genom festlegen.
setNumberGensInGenom(int) - Method in interface Simulator
setNumberNests(int) - Method in class Environment
Mit dieser Methode kann mit die Anzahl bei resetTotal() zu erzeugenden Nesten festlegen.
setNumberNests(int) - Method in interface Simulator
setPattern(int, int, int, char) - Method in class Gen
Methode die einen Stein eines Patterns auf einen Bestimmten Wert setzt.
setPosAgent(int, Koord3D) - Method in class Nest
Hiermit kann die Position des Agenten verändert werden.
setPosition(Koord3D) - Method in class Agent
setPositionCrystallizationPoint(int) - Method in class Environment
setPositionCrystallizationPoint(int) - Method in interface Simulator
setPositionOfCrystalizationPoint(int) - Method in class Einstellungen
setPositionOfFirstHoneycomb(Koord3D) - Method in class ModellViewer
setPropability(double) - Method in class Environment
Zum setzen der Mutationswahrscheinlichkeit Geändert: 02.07.2001
setPropability(double) - Method in interface Simulator
setRePosAgent(int, Koord3D) - Method in class Nest
setResolveOfConflict(int) - Method in class Environment
Methode setzt die Konfliktlösungsstrategie für die aktuelle und alle folgenden Nesten.
setResolveOfConflict(int) - Method in interface Simulator
setRotationValueViewOffline() - Method in class TheHive
setRotationValueViewOnline() - Method in class TheHive
setRoundsWithoutUser(int) - Method in class Einstellungen
setRoundsWithoutUser(int) - Method in class TheHive
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class Honeycomb
Use this to (de)select a honeycomb
setSizeOfNest(Koord3D) - Method in class Environment
Hiermit kann man die Standardgrösse einer Nest verändern.
setSizeOfNest(Koord3D) - Method in interface Simulator
setSizeOfUmgebungen(int) - Method in class Einstellungen
setSizeOfView(int) - Method in class Einstellungen
setSizeOfView(int) - Method in class Environment
setSizeOfView(int) - Method in interface Simulator
setStandartRundenzahl(int) - Method in class Einstellungen
setStandartRundenZahl(int) - Method in class TheHive
setStrategy(int) - Method in class Agent
setStrategy(int) - Method in class Nest
Hiermit kann man die Konfliktauflösungsstrategie bestimmen, mit der gleiche/ähnliche Pattern vorrang vor einander bekommen Geändert: 12.06.2001
setTranslationState(int, int, int) - Method in class TheHive
setupNewView() - Method in class TheHive
Routine sets up a new view, by clearing the 3D view and reseting all dialoges
setupText(String) - Method in class JInfoDialog
setValue(int, double) - Method in class GenPool
Setzt der FitnessValue eines Genoms auf einen bestimmten Wert Creation 10.06.2001
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class Hilfe
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class JAboutD
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class JEAllgemeinD
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class JEGenAlgD
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class JESimulatorD
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class JNIYDialog
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class JReviewDialog
setVisible(boolean) - Method in class MarkViewDialog
setZoomState(double) - Method in class TheHive
sgenrand(int) - Method in class Random
Initalize the pseudo random number generator.
shallBuild() - Method in class Action
Ob gebaut werden soll, oder nicht
shapeAppearance - Variable in class HoneycombShape3D
shapeMaterial - Variable in class HoneycombShape3D
shapePolygonAttributes - Variable in class HoneycombShape3D
sichtweite - Variable in class Agent
sichtweite - Variable in class Nest
Simulator - interface Simulator.
size - Variable in class MirrorGenerator
size() - Method in class Blickfeld
Liefert die Grösse zurück.
size() - Method in class Rule
Liefert die Grösse des Patterns.
sizeNest - Variable in class Environment
sizeOfUmgebungen - Variable in class Einstellungen
sizeOfUmgebungenName - Variable in class Einstellungen
sizeOfUmgebungTF - Variable in class JEAllgemeinD
sizeOfView - Variable in class Einstellungen
sizeOfViewName - Variable in class Einstellungen
sizeOfViewTF - Variable in class JESimulatorD
spec - Variable in class HoneycombShape3D
specsave - Variable in class HoneycombShape3D
STANDARD_CRYSTALL_POINT - Static variable in class Environment
STANDARD_DO_CROSSOVER - Static variable in class Environment
STANDARD_NAgents - Static variable in class Environment
STANDARD_NESTs - Static variable in class Environment
STANDARD_NGinG - Static variable in class Environment
STANDARD_PropJoker - Variable in class Environment
STANDARD_PropLeer - Variable in class Environment
STANDARD_PropStein - Variable in class Environment
STANDARD_RESOLVE - Static variable in class Environment
STANDARD_sizeSide - Static variable in class Environment
STANDARD_viewSize - Static variable in class Environment
STANDARTDISTANCE - Static variable in class MyUniverse
standartRundenzahl - Variable in class Einstellungen
standartRundenzahl - Variable in class TheHive
standartRundenzahlName - Variable in class Einstellungen
StartSubTreadB - Variable in class TheHive
stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class TheHive.SymChange
STEIN - Static variable in class Nest
Repräsentation eines bebauten Blocks
steinNachfolger - Variable in class Knoten
stepNRoundsBack(int) - Method in class TheHive
makes the view step n rounds back
stepNRoundsForward(int) - Method in class TheHive
makes the view step n rounds forward
stepToEnd() - Method in class TheHive
The view will step foward to the last round of the simulation
stepToGenesis() - Method in class TheHive
The view will step back to the first round of the simulation
StopSubTreadB - Variable in class TheHive
store(String) - Method in class Environment
Speicher ein Genom, überschreibt aber keine bereits bestehende Datei!
store(String, String) - Method in class Environment
Speichert aus der aktuellen Nest die entstandene Struktur, Genom, Position des Agenten und Grösses der Nest.
store(String, String) - Method in interface Simulator
storeAnyways(String, String) - Method in class Environment
Mit dieser Funktion kann gespeichert werden selbst wenn die Datei bereits existieren sollte.
storeAnyways(String, String) - Method in interface Simulator
storeGP(String) - Method in class Environment
Speichert den kompletten GenPool als Genom-txt-Dateien in einem Unterverzeichnis.
storeGP(String) - Method in interface Simulator
strategy - Variable in class Agent
sumupUsedGens(int[]) - Method in class Emerentia
SwarmFilter - class SwarmFilter.
SwarmFilter() - Constructor for class SwarmFilter


tArea - Variable in class JInfoDialog
TEMPERING_MASK_B - Static variable in class Random
TEMPERING_MASK_C - Static variable in class Random
temporaryRemoved - Variable in class ModellViewer
testlinearab(Vector3d, Vector3d) - Method in class DistanceMeter
This function tests if the two given vectors are pointing to the same direction
th - Variable in class Timer
theHive - Variable in class Einstellungen
theHive - Variable in class MyUniverse
TheHive - class TheHive.
Title: TheHive Description: TheHive is the GUI for swarmarchitecture groups programm to build a architecture with social insects.
TheHive_windowClosing_Interaction1(WindowEvent) - Method in class TheHive
TheHive_windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class TheHive
TheHive.SymAction - class TheHive.SymAction.
TheHive.SymAction(TheHive) - Constructor for class TheHive.SymAction
TheHive.SymChange - class TheHive.SymChange.
TheHive.SymChange(TheHive) - Constructor for class TheHive.SymChange
TheHive.SymWindow - class TheHive.SymWindow.
TheHive.SymWindow(TheHive) - Constructor for class TheHive.SymWindow
TheHive.Timer - class TheHive.Timer.
TheHive.Timer(TheHive) - Constructor for class TheHive.Timer
TheHive() - Constructor for class TheHive
Construct a GUI using a ModellViewer
theSim - Variable in class Einstellungen
theSim - Variable in class TheHive
tick() - Method in class TheHive
Timer - class Timer.
Title: Description: Copyright: Copyright (c) 2001 Company:
Timer(TheHive) - Constructor for class Timer
toLines(boolean) - Method in class Honeycomb
You can select how polygons are drawn
toLines(boolean) - Method in class HoneycombShape3D
toString() - Method in class Einstellungen
diese Methode dient dazu, die gespeicherten Werten in einem String umzuwandeln. param - erwartet keinen Paramater return hat keinen Rückgabewert
toString() - Method in class Gen
Methode die ein Gen in einen String umwandet Creation date 29.05.2001
toString() - Method in class Genom
Wandelt ein Genom in einen String um Creation date 01.06.2001
toString() - Method in class GenPool
Funktion die einen GenPool in einen String umwandelt Creation date 10.06.2001
toString() - Method in class Koord3D
toString() - Method in class Rule
Die toString()-Methode für diese Klasse gibt einfach das Pattern als String zurück (sonst nichts!).
trans - Variable in class Honeycomb
transf3D - Variable in class Bee3DModell
transform3D - Variable in class PickDragBehavior
translate(int, Koord3D) - Method in class Blickfeld
Diese Methode wird zum übersetzen der relativen in die absoluten Koordinaten verwendet.
translateAbsolutX(int) - Method in class ModellViewer
translateAbsolutY(int) - Method in class ModellViewer
translateAbsolutZ(int) - Method in class ModellViewer
translateCenterAbsolut(int, int, int) - Method in class MyUniverse
translateToCoordinates(Koord3D) - Method in class ModellViewer
translation - Variable in class Bee3DModell
translation - Variable in class Honeycomb
tree - Variable in class Agent
tree - Variable in class PatternGenerator
TxtFilenameFilter - class TxtFilenameFilter.
Filtert Dateien mit der Endung txt aus.
TxtFilenameFilter() - Constructor for class TxtFilenameFilter


UMASK - Static variable in class Random
umgebung - Variable in class Blickfeld
umgebung - Variable in class Nest
universe - Variable in class ModellViewer
updateButtons() - Method in class MarkViewDialog
updatePropertiesFromSettings() - Method in class Einstellungen
diese Methode dient dazu, die gespeicherten Werten auf den aktuellen Werten einzusetzen. param - erwartet keinen Paramater return hat keinen Rückgabewert
updatePropertiesFromSettings() - Method in class Parameters
updateSettingsFromProperties() - Method in class Einstellungen
diese Methode dient dazu, die Variablen auf den gespeicherten Werten einzusetzen. param - erwartet keinen Paramater return hat keinen Rückgabewert
updateSettingsFromProperties() - Method in class Parameters
UPPER_MASK - Static variable in class Random
userInteractionCB - Variable in class JEAllgemeinD
Utils - class Utils.
Utils() - Constructor for class Utils


values - Variable in class DistanceMeter
vec - Variable in class Bee3DModell
verts - Static variable in class HoneycombShape3D
view - Variable in class Agent
view - Variable in class Blickfeld
view - Variable in class Gen
Integer View der die Blickweite des Gens darstellt
view - Variable in class MyUniverse
viewCenterTG - Variable in class MyUniverse
ViewGroup - Variable in class MyUniverse
viewport - Variable in class Einstellungen
viewport - Variable in class Honeycomb
viewport - Variable in class PickDragBehavior
viewport - Variable in class TheHive
viewRotateTG - Variable in class MyUniverse
viewSize - Variable in class Environment
viewSize - Variable in class Nest
viewTransfRo - Variable in class MyUniverse
viewTransfTr - Variable in class MyUniverse
viewTransfZo - Variable in class MyUniverse
viewTransVec - Variable in class MyUniverse
viewZoomTG - Variable in class MyUniverse
visBox - Variable in class MyUniverse


Wabe1B_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class MarkViewDialog
Wabe2B_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class MarkViewDialog
Wabe3B_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class MarkViewDialog
Wabe4B_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class MarkViewDialog
WabenB - Variable in class MarkViewDialog
wabenSwitch - Variable in class MarkViewDialog
Waypoint - class Waypoint.
Die Klasse Waypoint repräsentiert quasi einen Punkt auf dem Weg eines Agenten.
Waypoint(Koord3D, boolean) - Constructor for class Waypoint
Der Konstruktor will das wo und ob wissen.
wert - Variable in class Knoten
whichWayToMove() - Method in class Action
Liefert die Richtung, in die Gegangen werden soll.
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class JAboutD.SymWindow
windowClosing(WindowEvent) - Method in class TheHive.SymWindow


x - Variable in class Honeycomb
x - Variable in class PickDragBehavior
X - Variable in class Koord3D
xAngle - Variable in class ModellViewer
xAngle - Variable in class MyUniverse
xRotation - Variable in class TheHive
XRotationSlider - Variable in class TheHive
XRotationSlider_stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class TheHive
XRotationTF - Variable in class TheHive
XRotationTF_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
xTrans - Variable in class ModellViewer
xTranslation - Variable in class TheHive
XTranslationSlider - Variable in class TheHive
XTranslationSlider_stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class TheHive
XTranslationTF - Variable in class TheHive
XTranslationTF_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive


y - Variable in class Honeycomb
y - Variable in class PickDragBehavior
Y - Variable in class Koord3D
yAngle - Variable in class ModellViewer
yAngle - Variable in class MyUniverse
yRotation - Variable in class TheHive
YRotationSlider - Variable in class TheHive
YRotationSlider_stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class TheHive
YRotationTF - Variable in class TheHive
YRotationTF_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
yTrans - Variable in class ModellViewer
yTranslation - Variable in class TheHive
YTranslationSlider - Variable in class TheHive
YTranslationSlider_stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class TheHive
YTranslationTF - Variable in class TheHive
YTranslationTF_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive


z - Variable in class Honeycomb
Z - Variable in class Koord3D
zAngle - Variable in class ModellViewer
zAngle - Variable in class MyUniverse
zoom - Variable in class TheHive
zoomAbsolut(double) - Method in class ModellViewer
zoomAbsolut(double) - Method in class MyUniverse
zoomRelativ(int) - Method in class MyUniverse
zoomRelativToView(int) - Method in class ModellViewer
ZoomTF - Variable in class TheHive
ZoomTF_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
zRotation - Variable in class TheHive
ZRotationSlider - Variable in class TheHive
ZRotationSlider_stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class TheHive
ZRotationTF - Variable in class TheHive
ZRotationTF_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive
zTrans - Variable in class ModellViewer
zTranslation - Variable in class TheHive
ZTranslationSlider - Variable in class TheHive
ZTranslationSlider_stateChanged(ChangeEvent) - Method in class TheHive
ZTranslationTF - Variable in class TheHive
ZTranslationTF_actionPerformed(ActionEvent) - Method in class TheHive